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Parents/Teacher Association

The PTA organises events throughout the year to raise money for the school and provide a way for parents to connect, share and socialise. Regular coffee mornings and talks are organised for parents by the school across a variety of helpful topics for our Fairley families.

There are also regular events including the Christmas Fair, a second-hand uniform sale, a cheese and wine evening, and regular drinks. The Parent/Teacher Association is a great way to be more involved with the school, meet other parents and exchange information.

If you would like to know more about the Parent/Teacher Association or would like to volunteer to help with events, please drop an email to fhspta@gmail.com. Membership of the “committee” is not formal and any parent or carer is welcome to join in. Do get in touch if you are interested.

At Fairley House, we use the Classlist app to help parents stay connected. Please download the app now and join!


The PTA organises regular events, including Christmas Fair, cake sale, a second hand uniform sale and wine and cheese evening as well as raffle where to win great prizes for both parents and children, including chance to be head for a day or dole out yellow behaviour cards to a teacher (surely a highlight).


Our School

London’s leading day school for children with specific learning differences

Get in Touch

30 Causton Street

Call:  020 7976 5456
Email: info@fairleyhouse.org.uk