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Assistive Technology

Fairley House School aims to empower our learners to be confident and independent both in and out of the classroom. We recognise that to achieve their full potential, bespoke programming is essential, and in today’s world, assistive technology is a crucial element in completing both curriculum-specific and everyday tasks. 


Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons [with needs]

Assistive Technology Industry Associations (ATIA)

Students at Fairley House are supported and encouraged to use assistive technology.

In the Junior Department, students can use pencil grips, adapted paper and specialist seating. As they get older and academic demands increase, they will use their own school laptop to complete work tasks.

From Year 5, learners begin structured touchtyping lessons, and many students will become familiar with specialist programs, such as literacy support tool Clicker 8.

As they progress to the Senior Depatment, it becomes essential for learners to know how to organise their digital OneDrive files and navigate our Virtual Learning Environment hosted by our external platform Firefly. They begin using accessibility features such as Microsoft’s Dictate, Read Aloud and Immersive Reader to compose and proofread their work. In preparation for exams, learners may use the Text-to-Speech features in TextHelp: Read & Write or a Reading Pen. 


SENCos may wish to consider the use of technology to a much greater extent instead of readers and scribes. Computer readers, examination reader pens, speech recognition technology and word processors not only allow candidates to work independently but are also a better preparation for further and higher education and in the world of employment.

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)

It is important for young people to be educated about the options available to them when deciding how to approach a task. For many learners with dyslexia, this may involve assistive technology. We aim to empower our students with this knowledge and provide them the resources they need in order to become confident and successful learners.

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London’s leading day school for children with specific learning differences

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