Pastoral Care
We believe only confident, happy children can develop a genuine love of learning and reach their full potential.
The first, and most vital, step in bringing about this transformation is rebuilding your child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. They may have had negative experiences at previous schools, and we seek to reframe these associations so they can flourish at Fairley House.

The warm and supportive pastoral care at Fairley House is central to the fabric of the school so it is a place of stimulation and positivity where children can look forward to going every day. Every day we strive to uncover their talents, strengths and passions, so they can maximise their ambitions.
Pupils’ previous experiences can cast a long shadow. One junior pupil described school as ‘really fun because they [the teachers] aren’t angry…they understand how it is to be dyslexic.‘
The Good Schools Guide
Level Playing Field
Our learning environment with like-minded peers creates a level playing field which reduces fear and anxiety which can emanate from trying to keep up with their peers or strict academic expectations from previous schools.
Safe and Secure Environment
The school provides a safe, secure, supportive and nurturing environment for students, whom are met at the school entrance by a senior member of staff every day to welcome them in. Our ethos is to be a place in which children thrive emotionally, develop academically, and are ready to meet the joys and challenges of life.
It was a wonderful experience for our daughter, Sophie. Fairley House is a magical place where learning differences are celebrated, not shunned, and this environment was exactly what she needed to help her blossom.
Former Parent
Recognition and reward are embedded in what we do with termly prize-giving ceremonies and a system of debits and credits to motivate students to win badges, awards, certificates, trophies and prizes.
Classes are small at Fairley House so students do not feel overwhelmed and can receive the tailored learning and individual support they need. Every form tutor forges a close relationship with each child and can help guide their organisation and peer relationships. Students are supported by other teachers and duty staff during break times so everyone can make the most of their breaktime.
Ability Grouped Lessons
Students are grouped in sets for English and Maths lessons based on their ability with the teaching structured and paced to enable everyone to make progress based on their different starting points. Teaching is tailored to the learning styles of the students, with a multisensory approach integrated to aid knowledge and understanding. We find this contribute to marked increases in self-esteem and a positive attitude to learning.
I think Fairley House was a fantastic school…Most of all I liked great teachers!
Patrick, Former Pupil
Emotional Literacy and Support
While form tutors are often the first layer of pastoral care for their students, occasionally there is a need for a personal mentor, for those needing extra support. We also have a full-time Emotional Literacy and Support Assistant (ELSA) who can meet students on an individual basis to hear any worries or concerns and put strategies and processes in place to support them both at school and home.
Communication with Parents
Communication with parents takes place via email, phone and the bespoke Parent Portal. There are also regular Parent Evenings where parents have the opportunity to ask questions and Fairley House staff can offer insights and observations into how their child is doing. We aim to be responsive to parental queries and concerns and our Parents and Professionals Evenings and Coffee Mornings provide an opportunity for Fairley families to hear from experts on relevant subjects in the field of SEN.
We know that homework is a dreaded word in most households, particularly for children with specific learning differences likely exhausted from the school day. At Fairley House, we reduce the homework load and remove the pressure of deadlines. We simplify homework into bite-sized pieces of work, and we encourage older children showing sufficient progress to be independent and self-reliant in completing any set homework.
PSHEE and Circle time
PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education) is another platform for pastoral care. During PSHEE lessons, topics such as making and keeping friends, coping with change, healthy lifestyles and learning strategies are discussed and new skills are learnt.
In the Junior Department, Circle Time is built into PSHEE and provides a safe and structured opportunity for children to raise any issues that are concerning them, as well as better understand and learn from their peers. In the Senior Department, students are welcome to share their perspectives on how individual and society’s wellbeing could be enhanced through both positive thinking and action.

Grateful to have had my son attend Fairley House. The understanding and support for my son and myself, together with the staff expertise on dyslexia, have made it possible to go from strength to strength.
Ana, Former Parent
Get in Touch
30 Causton Street
Call: 020 7976 5456
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