Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education is taught using a range of teaching strategies and multi-sensory activities with a transdisciplinary approach.
We try to link the curriculum to all aspects of life and learning and endeavour to draw on the different experiences and backgrounds of our students. The children explore the six major faiths of the world; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism, through visiting their places of worship, seeing physical artefacts, and experiencing their film, music, art and drama.

Highlights of RE provision at Fairley House include visits to different religions’ places of worship. These first-hand experiences are supplemented by inviting guests to Fairley House to share their faith and answer students’ questions.
We enhance students’ learning and engagement by thoughtfully linking RE to other areas of the curriculum, such as:
- PSHEE – citizenship, democracy and human rights
- SMSC – spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- British values – mutual respect and tolerance
- History – Greek and Roman beliefs in many gods
- Art – creating stained glass windows, exploring architecture and rangoli patterns
- Music and poetry – the use of song in religious services
- English – discussion of texts
We encourage the pupils to reflect on recent historical figures such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi and consider the power dynamics between religion, the state and its citizens or worshippers. We reflects upon past and present events, such as 9/11, the slave trade, prejudices and bias, radicalism and apartheid. All opinions and feelings are expressed openly and respectfully in a safe, non-threatening environment. We aim to motivate students to develop sound judgements and the important values of understanding and tolerance in the lives of individuals and wider society.
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30 Causton Street
Call: 020 7976 5456
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