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Research and Outreach

We are passionate about constantly developing our expertise and sharing our knowledge with other groups and organisations so we are always at the forefront and pioneering how we understand and support all children with Specific Learning Differences (SpLD).

If you would like to contact Fairley House School to enquire about being a research or outreach partner please use the dedicated contact us button at the bottom of this page. 


We conduct ongoing research and share learning and methods with the broader community of teachers and therapists outside of Fairley House School.

Fairley House staff work closely with partner organisations and universities to continually expand knowledge and experience in the area of specific learning differences (SpLD).

Our previous Head Dr. Jackie Murray completed her PhD at UCL and as part of her doctorate completed research at Fairley House. This enterprise was the major driver behind us establishing our own Assessment Centre and Teacher Training course.


Standardisation of DASH

In 2023, our Occupational Therapy (OT) Department took part in Pearson UK’s standardisation process for the updated editions of the gold standard assessments of the Detailed Assessment of the Speed of Handwriting (DASH) and the Movement ABC.

Pearson UK’s assessors assessed some of the pupil cohorts at Fairley House School using the new editions of both assessments (yet to be published) and will use the data obtained to inform the final standardisation of the assessment battery.

The Occupational Therapy team was also privileged to meet with Beverley Scheib, one of the developers of the Detailed Assessment of the Speed of Handwriting (DASH) assessment, to share feedback and provide insight into using this assessment tool with learners with SpLD and/or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).

Our contributions will help lead to the further development of these gold-standard assessment tools and we look forward to continuing to partner with academics and publishers to boost knowledge and understanding that should serve to help children with SpLD both in the UK and around the world.


As part of our mission to be the lighthouse for parents, teachers and therapists, we run our outreach programme. This involves regular talks and information sharing with both internal and external experts.

We continually strive to improve the provision and prospects for children with SpLD. To this end we have helped train staff in local state schools and Children’s Hospital School at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) amongst many others.

Our School

London’s leading day school for children with specific learning differences

Get in Touch

30 Causton Street

Call:  020 7976 5456
Email: info@fairleyhouse.org.uk