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Prospectus & Reports

Read or download our prospectus here
Pupils, of all abilities, many of whom have had limited success in other educational settings, make excellent progress
‘Excellent’ ISI Inspection Report 2021
Inspection Reports
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Associations that make up the Independent Schools Council. ISI is approved for the purpose of inspection under Section 109 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 and reports to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements.
Educational quality inspections report on the two main outcomes for pupils: achievement and personal development.
The ISI Report conducted into Fairley House School in 2021 found us to be ‘EXCELLENT’ in all categories. Read more below.
Our ‘Excellent’ Fairley House ISI Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality Report (November 2021): ISI Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Reports_Nov 2021
ISI Material Change Inspection Report (June 2023): ISI Material Change Inspection Report_June 2023
Read historic ISI Reports here:
The Good Schools Guide
The Good Schools Guide is the number one school guide, helping parents in choosing the best education for their children, trusted by parents for 35 years. Some 1,300 schools are currently reviewed, covering state and independent, boarding and day, mainstream and special sectors. It is independent, forthright, well-informed and unbiased, which gives it unique authority and has earned the trust of parents and educational organisations worldwide.
Uniquely, each school is selected on merit alone. No one can buy their way into The Good Schools Guide’s good books. Writers visit every single school, interview the head, speak to pupils and parents, analyse academic performance and challenge the marketing hype.
Link to FHS on GSG website here
The Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils (CreSTeD) provides an accreditation to schools and teaching centres for their learning support provision for specific learning differences (SpLD).
All schools and centres included in the Register are visited regularly to ensure they continue to meet their criteria. The Register is a source of educational establishments which parents can use as their first step towards making a placement decision which will be critical to the educational future of their child with SpLD.
The majority of schools on the register are mainstream schools that are also able to give excellent help to pupils with SpLD: dyslexia and also – when combined with dyslexia – dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADD, and language difficulties. In addition they include teaching centres where children can find additional support outside of and /or in addition to their day to day schooling.
The register has become established as a first source of such guidance for:
Read our Fairley House School Report: CReSTeD Report
Pupils develop increasing self-confidence and self-esteem which makes them happy and successful learners
‘Excellent’ ISI Inspection Report 2021
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Call: 020 7976 5456
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