Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education (PSHEE)
PSHEE is Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education and is taught across all year groups. It aims to help students lead healthy and responsible lives as confident individuals secure in their own skin and as productive members of society.
PSHEE has links with all areas of the curriculum and is embedded within the pastoral care and mentoring program across the school. It is also explicitly taught in a one hour lesson a week. It covers three key themes: health and wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships.

The PSHEE provision helps students to:
- deal with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues they face as they approach adulthood
- recognise and celebrate British values
- reflect on their experiences and how they are developing
- understand and responsibly manage a range of relationships
- show respect for the differences between people
- enhance their emotional wellbeing and self-esteem confident in their own ability to succeed
- inculcate habits to keep themselves and others safe
- take responsibility for their learning and future choice of courses and career
- understand the responsibilities of individuals, groups and organisations to play active parts in a tolerant, democratic society
PSHEE lessons in the senior school look at the same three key themes twice over the academic year. The lessons cover different topics, that increase in complexity as the students gain in age and maturity.
The ‘health and wellbeing’ topics include keeping safe -personal safety, road safety, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, wellbeing and body image.
‘Living in the wider world’ topics include challenging career stereotypes, raising aspirations, understanding disability discrimination and ethical financial decision-making.
The ‘relationships’ part of the course covers; exploring family life, sexuality and bullying including cyber, tackling racism, religious discrimination homophobia, transphobia and sexism.
The curriculum is supported by visits from external speakers, workshops and theatre groups such as I Can & I Am and the RAP project.
PSHEE topics are introduced in assemblies, intra-school challenges are set and termly House Competition often link to PSHEE topics.
Our curriculum is governed by the Department for Education (DfE). To view more click here: DfE Statutory Guidance

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Call: 020 7976 5456
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