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Performing Arts

All children at Fairley House have weekly Music and Drama lessons led by our specialist staff. Students are encouraged to express their creativity in fun and imaginative ways, through the medium of song, dance and performance. 

During lessons, children develop a practical understanding of the creative fields, as well as exploring the skills required to deliver a compelling musical or dramatic performance. These include good co-ordination, improvisation and listening. The students regularly do group work to build their confidence, peer relationships and social awareness.

Regular singing practice, as well as being enjoyable, can help with the development of breath control, voice projection, communication skills and collaboration.

Each year, students in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 give performances to the rest of the school and parents. This often includes work they have created and developed themselves. Students feel an incredible sense of achievement and pride after performing and this really helps to boost confidence and self-esteem.

Fairley House offers peripatetic music sessions, including drums, guitar and piano.

Our excellent location in central London means that we have a wealth of culture to enjoy and learn from on our doorstep. Trips to nearby attractions such as Shakespeare’s Globe and theatre shows are organised on a regular basis. 

We have also hosted educational workshops on both school sites to enhance learning and increase the pupils’ exposure to different creative forms and traditions. 

Our School

London’s leading day school for children with specific learning differences

Get in Touch

30 Causton Street

Call:  020 7976 5456
Email: info@fairleyhouse.org.uk