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Types of Assessment

All assessments are conducted with the utmost care and consideration by our experienced practitioners. Every assessment results in a comprehensive assessment report, which outlines recommendations, sensory supports, strategies, and adaptations to support the learner’s journey, whether at school or at home.

Educational Psychology Assessment

An EP assessment covers a number of verbal and non-verbal tests which can be helpful in terms of identifying areas of strength and weakness, as well as general cognitive ability. 

It will also measure your child’s working memory and processing speed as well as test their reading, reading comprehension, spelling, handwriting and written mathematics.  

Speech and Language Assessment

A speech and language assessment uses a mixture of formal and informal assessment tools to examine a child’s speech development, their receptive and expressive language skills, and social communication competence. The assessment may also cover your child’s phonological awareness.

The speech and language therapist will gather information regarding every area of language development, including knowledge of vocabulary, word finding, auditory memory, syntax, and language composition, in order to build a profile of a child’s current speech and language competence and they will seek to identify any gaps or delays in the development of these skills. 

Occupational Therapy Assessment

An occupational therapy assessment provides a holistic picture of a child’s abilities using a variety of formal, standardised, and non-standardised assessments, clinical observations, and by gathering pertinent background and developmental information.

The aim of the assessment is to better understand a child’s ability to participate in daily activities such as self-care tasks, classroom work, social interactions, and play. The assessment includes evaluating gross and fine motor skills, and any underlying areas which may be having an impact on these skills, including sensory processing.  Visual motor integration and visual perception are also assessed.

As part of the assessment a detailed analysis of handwriting is completed to gain an understanding, of if, and how, difficulties in this area may be having a functional impact in the classroom. Sensory regulation and how this affects concentration and emotional regulation is assessed, as well as organisation and executive function skills.  

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