Is Fairley House Right for my Child?
As a parent, it can be daunting and unclear as to where to go or what the right path should be when your child is falling behind their peers at a mainstream school. This is almost always accompanied by their lack of confidence, loss of motivation and low self-esteem. We are here to help.

We have 40 years of experience in identifying the needs of children with specific learning differences (SpLD) and helping to remove barriers to release their talents and help them realise their potential.
We understand what a big decision it is to change your child’s school and we know we are often the last option for parents on their journey to find light in the dark. Once you arrive at the school, the pupils and parents experience a high level of satisfaction as children are transformed.
Parent satisfaction and enthusiasm is 95% (70% higher than similar schools)
MTM Report

Assessment Centre
Our expert assessment clinic helps to identify the areas where support is needed. Our admissions department then determines if the school is right for your child and if not, what other options are available.
At Fairley House we offer a “magic” formula that helps children discover their passions and achieve success. We make success possible and restore pupils’ self-belief to achieve it.
Pupils respond well to the school’s specialist teaching and therapy, overcoming barriers presented by their SpLD and consequently achieve above previous expectations … Many go on to gain A levels, first and post-graduate degrees.
ISI Report 2021
Fairley House is a mainstream-style school which often aims to see children return to mainstream in 2/3 years or offer a more long-term solution. This includes a specially- adapted GCSE programme, making the attainment of GCSEs a realistic option for so many children.

Tammy’s Story
Tammy is now in year 12, the first year of her A levels. She is currently doing Health and Social Care Cambridge Technical and Psychology A Level and has her heart set on pursuing a degree in child nursing, with a view to being a paediatric nurse.

Tammy looks back on her time at Fairley House with immense fondness and talks about how she still uses the strategies that she was taught from year 3-year 6 that come in useful even to this day. For us it is the incredible confidence (which is a word that many people use for Tammy), which we firmly believe was engendered and fostered during her time at Fairley house and is something that we definitely credit Fairley House with having given her.
Tammy arrived into Lambeth Road school, a scared thumb-sucking, reluctant learner who could barely write a sentence and within a term at Fairley House emerged as the proud winner of the Headmistress cup. To this day, I still believe that you sprinkle magic dust over the children when they arrive at Fairley House because, for the life of me, I cannot begin to understand how you managed that transformation! I might add this transformation has lasted throughout her school life, as she continues to want to do well and achieve despite her academic challenges.
Get in Touch
30 Causton Street
Call: 020 7976 5456
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